Friday, April 29, 2011

Go-Go's Vacation 1982

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daily Quotes - Self Esteem

The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.

Adele - One and Only - Full Paris Live Concert HD at La Cigale (April 4t...

Celebrating YOU

The mind is a powerful thing. Did you ever notice that when in a good mood your life seems so great and you are able to appreciate the world around you so much more? No one can seem to rain on your parade. But when the bad mood storm rolls in, everything slightly bad  just seems worse than it was when you were riding the happy train. Self-doubt can hinder you from enjoying life or from going after your dreams. Combat these feelings by celebrating YOU! Here are some tips from

1.) Write a Love Letter to yourself. Before you shut down your email, write yourself a note of encouragement. When traveling send yourself a postcard to your home address with a reminder of just how great you are.

2.) Personalize your screensaver. Focus on what you are attempting to achieve right now. Use a phrase or picture that depicts the message of encouragement you wish to receive.For example: "I take great care of myself because I deserve to be happy and healthy."

3.) Keep a childhood photo nearby. This is a reminder of who you really are at heart.

4.) Hang out with supporters. Surround yourself with people who cheer you on and make you feel good.

5.) Turn on your windshield wipers. You cannot stop the rain that is life but you can use your windshield wipers to clear away the frustrations, self-doubts and worries that cloud your days. Talk to someone, get a massage, exercise, write in a journal, meditate.

6.) Pull out your feel good file. Collect letters or cards that you've received through the years. Save momentos of achievement that highlight your gifts and talents.

7.) Develop and give your gifts. What is that makes you shine and what would you do to increase your capacity to give? What is something simple or small or what is that first step that you can take to celebrate your gifts and how can you share these gifts with others?

8.) Create an Arsenal of Affirmations: The best defense is a good offense. Fight doubts with the truth. Write down a few affirmations that you can recite when self-doubt finds itself on your door step. "I am an amazing person." "My job is not to be perfect but to be the best I can be right now."

Nore feat. Daddy Yankee - Oye Mi Canto

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't Interrupt Others

Yes, your mother may have said it, but how many of us actually practice it? We've all fallen into the bad habit of only listening to someone's story so that we can put our two cents in or turn it back to us. How can we really listen, if we are simply waiting for our turn to speak? You're not absorbing the persons feelings if you're in your own head trying to figure out what you should say. Relax and let them speak. What's the worst that can happen? You forget what you were going to say? WELL, GOOD! Because this is about what the other person is trying to say. They chose you (you lucky devil) to be their sounding board and it is your job to simply let them be heard. Yes, there are times when back and forth dialog is necessary. But in the instances where it doesn't you are only trying to speed the person up and this creates anxiety and nervousness. Relax and be patient. Enjoy the moment. Become a better listener and you will become a better friend for it.

-Based on a principle from "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff..and It's All Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson, PH.D

Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz Official HD Music Video

Anything but Toys

The toy industry spends many hours and much money trying to come up with toys that will entice your toddler. But if yours, is anything like mine, she pushes all her toys aside to play with the tube of Butt Paste. What "non-toy" does your babe love?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

All about you- Bruno Mars (with lyrics)

Kid Competition - Top That

Some parents act as if raising a child is a sport. The child is the "team" and the parent is the "coach". I'm all for training a "team" to win a championship, but a good coach doesn't feel the need to brag to other coaches or one-up. If my daughter walks at 9 months, their child walked right out of the womb. My daughter's first word was "Mama" their child's first word was osmosis. My child can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" theirs can sing "Ave Maria" in C Major. I'm all for encouraging a child to do their best. But I believe their happiness is most important and I want my child to be a child for as long as they can. All I can do is laugh at this. Most of the time little Junior can recite the periodic table, but potty training still hasn't taken at age 6. I'm just saying.